Tuesday 4 June 2013

Blue is The Colour of My Blood

Each individual in this world has their favourite colour that reflects back on that particular individual. So the main question is, "WHAT IS MY FAVOURITE COLOUR?".

Yes, it's BLUE. Since the day that I inhaled my very own first breath on Earth, the colour blue has always been a part of my life. Blue T-shirts, jeans, shoes, watches and even toys! You name it all and I can guarantee you that the colour blue will always be the main choice. 

As you all know, each colour has their own meaning. So what is the real meaning behind the colour blue? There are many words that reflect this colour such as trust, honesty and loyalty. Blue also represent both sincerity and reserved. Confrontation would be something that go against the colour blue since it prefers more on doing things in its own way.

If we look from the psychology perspective, the colour blue symbolized responsible, reliable and bold. At the same time, confidence and inner security can also be seen in the colour blue. You can rely on it to take control and do the right thing in difficult times. It has a need for order and direction in its life, including its living and work spaces. The colour blue reduces stress by creating a sense of calmness and relaxation - the same situation when you are lying down on the ground and looking up into the blue sky. This type of sense will promote both physical and mental relaxation.

Besides that, blue is describe someone as a good speaker. For instance, a public speaker who is comfortable on doing both one-to-one and one-to-many communication. This is because the colour blue is very idealistic and enhance a person's self-expression.

Other than that, blue is the colour of devotion and high wisdom as it has a high level of intelligence. Lastly, the colour blue can also be described as a helper, rescuer and the friend in need. Success can defined through the quality and quantity of it's relationships.

We can conclude that blue is very nostalgic. It is a color that lives in the past, relating everything in the present and the future to experiences in the past.


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