Sunday 30 June 2013

How Technology Affect Our Life


Back in 1861 when technology was not growing rapidly in our world, the word "technology" was used to symbolized an art creation. Everything changed when we entered the year 2000 as the word "technology" began to have new meaning which was an innovative invention. Starting from that year onwards, many new technologies were introduced into our life. From touch screen handphones to a thin size laptop and from 32' inch television to a 50' inch smart television, we can say that technology have been growing nonstop until now. From that, a light bulb started to appeared in my head. I wanted to make art that says that no matter how high or far we age, technology will keep on growing. No matter young or old, there will always be an inventor. In our life, everyone will die including the inventors but not for technology as the new younger version of inventors will never stop on introducing new stuff into our life. That was the reason why I'm calling my art piece as"Technology Do Grow On Trees". I hope that by just having a short glance on my art, it would tell you the deep meaning lies in it. As what an artist would always say, "Let the art do the talk".

(Technology Do Grow On Trees, Afiq Rahim 2013)



In step one, I started off by scanning my sketch into my Macbook and upload it on Adobe CS6 Photoshop.


After uploading the sketch as my background, I then began to find a suitable colour for my background. In this case, I chose the colour maroon as the background which would symbolized something dark.


Next, I went on to add some lightings on the tree by adding on 2 layers called as light 1 and 2. Then I coloured some parts of it with the colour white and changed the effect into both divide and luminosity respectively.


After that, I started to coloured up the whole tree with the tool brush and changed the effect from normal to multiply.


In this step, I focused on the grave. As I wanted to make it very spooky, I chose the colour gray and started to paint the grave. A saturation effect was used on making it to be more realistic.


After doing the grave part, I then coloured the skeleton. I coloured it with white and then tried all the effect one at the time. By doing so, I would be able to get the best effect from all. I wanted to make the skeleton to look unique, so I chose the Exclusion effect which gave out the best result compared to other effects.


It was in this step when I coloured all the gadgets and the green spider. As I wanted to make the gadgets to be the main focus, I coloured all of it with a bright colours and choose the perfect effect for each gadgets on the drawing.


In step 8, I began to put up some clouds that would be add on the realistic effect on it. I used the brush tool on creating the clouds. By just increasing the size of the brush, I was able to make clouds really fast. I also added on a moon on the right corner by using the same method which was the tool brush.


In this final step, I wanted to the gadgets on the tree to be more outshine than the other thins on the artwork. Due to that reason, I applied spin lights on all four gadgets on the tree. Lastly, I also coloured the words below the skeleton with yellow and then changed the effect from normal into colour.


After doing this project, it taught me that everything around me can be used on making something beautiful. Creativity is something which we can always expand from time to time. It's just up to us on how to add on more knowledges. Life is beautiful, it's just up to us on how to colour it perfect.

(AFIQ RAHIM, 2013)

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